Monday, January 26, 2009


Or, in this case, just one ghost.

Biscochong Halimaw has a song titled "Ghosts of the Hinterland" where an army of headless wraiths wander the lonely mountain paths accosting people and trying to ask them where the heck their heads are and get them to help in the search. Of course since they can't communicate, this just scares the shit out of people. Its both terrifying and funny. And if you've ever actually walked at night on an open mountain road with just an emergency lantern or a flashlight you'll understand the terror part quite well.

And so, apropos of nothing, I found a news item on PDI ( that had this White Lady accidentally shot on-cam while the police were conducting a mapping operation off some hills (yep, the hills have eyes and some hot girls in nothing but white see, through gowns).

Stop the video at around 0:05 and voila! There she is, mon freres. The cops said there wasn't nobody there at all. Creepy eh?

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