Tuesday, October 20, 2009


From Nerve, one of the best sex and culture institutions for my money, here are transgressive, exploitationesque movies that are so wasak they'll make you want to sleep alone. Well, at least for tonight. Best not watch with the boy/girlfriend.

I think I've only seen three out of the whole list.

, the new movie from fifty-three-year-old Danish bad-boy Lars von Trier, has been called “the most talked-about” new film of the season. Talking about it sure beats watching it. The film premiered at the Cannes Film Festival, where its reception suggested an episode of Mystery Science Theater 3000: The International Edition. Von Trier, whose provocations are usually carefully thought out for maximum manipulative effect, reportedly wrote the movie to dig himself out of a crippling depression that had rendered him unable to work, abandoning thoughts of narrative logic and cobbling the script together with images and events largely taken from his dreams. The results definitely put the one about reporting to biology class naked in perspective.

Antichrist opens with married couple Willem Dafoe and Charlotte Gainsbourg having graphically depicted sex, in slow motion and to the accompaniment of an aria from a Handel opera, while their baby does a triple-gainer out the high window. What follows includes the most convincing-looking genital mutilations that you can get on an eleven-million-dollar budget. (Pretty convincing-looking, unfortunately.) Is von Trier right in calling Antichrist the most important film of his career? One thing’s for sure: it might just be the worst date movie ever made. But there are other contenders. If you’re looking to nip a new relationship in the bud, throw a few of these on your Netflix queue."

The rest of the article is here.

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