Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Looking for love? Throw Craigslist out the window. Wipe Buy and Sell's pesonals on your ass. Look no farther than the sky above. Merely raise you eyes to the heavens and spot the gargantuan, flaming ship descending on you like the hand of an angry and bespectacled god. Is it an invasion or are they out of rocket fuel? 

One thing's for sure: the geeks are coming!

Therefore you must attend the book launch of CARLJOE JAVIER'S The Kobayashi Maru of Love at Ilyong's at Proj4, on SEPT 6 (Mon), 7PM.

Yep this is the same Javier that exhorted you to boy NOTS and open up your mind to the psycho-lubricious thrust of the shaman's ritual like a great mental phallus. What kind of sick, demented man would do that, you say? Well, but the book and find out.

I mean, just look at the pix of the author! Which is incidentally one of the many designs you can have printed on a shirt. Yes, a shirt. You can't beat wearing the pithy words of the revolution on your beer belly. Take that, hipster schmucks! Ha! I say, ha!

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